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Filter Fuel Pump Supra X 125 Fi

Wouldn’t it be great if there was something easy and inexpensive you could do to help protect your engine and keep it running clean? If the problem is the fuel filter, and it isn’t changed soon, you may find that your vehicle won’t start at all. When the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) or Check Engine Light comes on, it means the sensors have detected a problem.

A fresh filter reduces contaminants and helps prevent damage to your engine and fuel system.

If you drive a great deal on unpaved roads, or through highway construction which can kick up a lot of dust and debris you may want to change your fuel filter more often. Your automatic transmission relies on the filter to prevent dirt and debris from getting into the hydraulic system.

The Jiffy Lube technician will let you know if a replacement of any kind is recommended, but won’t do any work without your consent. Regular, professional preventive maintenance will help keep your vehicle operating as engineered.

It’s also good for your budget, because if caught early, small fixes — like changing your fuel filter — won’t turn into expensive repairs.

Jiffy Lube uses multistep cleansers to help remove deposits from your fuel system, injectors and combustion chamber.

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